In most cases, this website cost calculator will return a price range; from $X to $Y. And since we are an Australian company, it is in Australian dollars.
Our website cost calculator offers 3 options for the size of your website.
A scrolling format site which includes the following sections in the same page:
The other 2 options are based on the number of pages. With these options, the home page is slightly different to The One Pager, every section contains a “Read More” button or similar link that opens an internal page with more information.
Bigger websites are not considered in this calculator because it’s hard to have a limit, technically, the number of pages could be infinite.
Having said that, you can obtain a “Price From” for bigger web design projects by looking at the “Price To” for medium projects.
When it comes to determine the price of a website, there is something that matters as much as size, the style of design.
Our calculator offers 3 design options.
Create your website based on a template with none or very little customisation.
Provide a streamlined experience, with just enough feautures and design elements to compete within an industry.
Advanced design with every detail crafter to convey your message.