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Website Cost Calculator

Get a web design instant quote in 6 simple steps

Understanding How Our Website Cost Calculator Works

In most cases, this website cost calculator will return a price range; from $X to $Y. And since we are an Australian company, it is in Australian dollars.

Page size

Our website cost calculator offers 3 options for the size of your website.

The One Pager

A scrolling format site which includes the following sections in the same page:

  • Header
  • Hero
  • Trust Signals
  • Services
  • Call to Action
  • About
  • Contact
  • Footer

Small or Medium

The other 2 options are based on the number of pages. With these options, the home page is slightly different to The One Pager, every section contains a “Read More” button or similar link that opens an internal page with more information.

What About Bigger Pages

Bigger websites are not considered in this calculator because it’s hard to have a limit, technically, the number of pages could be infinite.

Having said that, you can obtain a “Price From” for bigger web design projects by looking at the “Price To” for medium projects.

Style of Design

When it comes to determine the price of a website, there is something that matters as much as size, the style of design.

Our calculator offers 3 design options.


Create your website based on a template with none or very little customisation.


Provide a streamlined experience, with just enough feautures and design elements to compete within an industry.

High End

Advanced design with every detail crafter to convey your message.